
Evaluation of the resettlement and restitution of means of subsistence actions of the Nachtigal power plant

Nachtigal Hydro Power Company

Semi-experimental measurement of the impact of the construction of a dam and transmission line on the socioeconomic conditions of nearby families, and a study of the compensation programme [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation and improvement of the social protection system in the State of São Paulo

São Paulo State Secretariat of Social Development

Implementation of the M&E System for identifying and prioritizing service provision to vulnerable families. The consultancy delivered a Multidimensional Poverty Index and a database management system [LEARN MORE]

Monitoring of a results-based budgeting programme

São Paulo State Secretariat of Planning and Management

Pioneering initiative to implement a Results-Based Budget in a subnational government of 40M people and a GDP of USD 1.2 trillion. Plan led the development of results chains and monitoring indicators [LEARN MORE]

Final Evaluation of the Sustainable Rural Development Project in Bahia - Bahia Produtiva

Luis Eduardo Magalhães Foundation

Consultancy for preparing the final report of the Sustainable Rural Development Project of Bahia - Bahia Produtiva. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of PROSAMIM III urbanization programme

Government of the State of Amazonas

Assessment of the impact of resettlement and community participation actions on one of the main housing programs implemented by the Government of Amazonas, with support from the IDB. [LEARN MORE]

M&E system for the strategic development plan of the Santos Metropolitan Area

AGEM - Metropolitan Agency for the Santos Region

Development of an original IT system to monitor progress towards results of the Metropolitan Development Plan in the Santos basin, along with an evaluation cycle for periodically reviewing the plan [LEARN MORE]

Country Programme Evaluation of UNICEF Sierra Leone

UNICEF Sierra Leone

The Country Programme Evaluation serves UNICEF's accountability and learning purposes by looking into the CP's performance in achieving its intended results for children. [LEARN MORE]

Baseline data collection for an RCT-type impact evaluation of rural water collection devices

Ministry of Social Development

Household survey to evaluate the impact of a cistern building program in rural communities using treatment and control groups, including a listing exercise [LEARN MORE]

Assessment of the UNICEF/WFP Social Protection Response to COVID-19 in Mozambique

UNICEF Mozambique

Programmatic review to assess the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and cohesion of a cash transfer programme as a response to the shock during COVID-19 in two of Mozambique (Zambézia and Tete) [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of Ethiopia's Productive Safety Net Programme's (PSNP) Capacity Development Initiatives (2015-2020)

World Bank

For this World Bank funded evaluation, Plan Eval partnered up with Italian company Timesis and Ethiopian company DAB. The evaluation focused on the programme's Capacity Development Initiatives. [LEARN MORE]

An ex-post assessment of the effectiveness of US support to free internet access

DevTech Systems Inc

In partnership with DevTech, Plan Eval evaluated the Internet Freedom portfolio of the Bureau of Democracy, Rights, and Labor of the U.S. Department of State. [LEARN MORE]

Responsible fatherhood in Angola


To assist in the training of trainers for responsible parenting in Angola, we performed a diagnostic study and delivered M&E training for the government of the country with UNICEF support. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) to assess its effect for education in Zimbabwe

The GPE started supporting the Government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) in 2013, and this support has continued over the period 2017-2021, which was be the focus of this evaluation. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the project aimed at improving the feeding practices of newborns and children in Madagascar

UNICEF Madagascar

Evaluation of the demonstration project to improve infant and young child feeding practices in the Analanjirofo Region in Madagascar from 2018 to 2021. [LEARN MORE]

Data collection for RCT evaluation of the Gente de Valor programme

IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development

Survey research with treatment and control groups, interviews and focus groups for a project to support family farming managed by the Government of Bahia and supported by IFAD [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of a child-centered cash transfer programme in Tunisia

UNICEF Tunisia

The program was implemented by the Ministry of Social Affairs, with support from UNICEF and other donors, to support children and adolescents from low income families during the global pandemic [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the National Remedial School Program in Madagascar

UNICEF Madagascar

Over a period of three years, Plan Eval's team evaluated the programme at baseline, midline and endline with beneficiary and non beneficiary children, parents, teachers and school committee members. [LEARN MORE]

Baseline survey for the Pro-Semiarid support to family agiculture programme

Government of the State of Bahia

Baseline study for an IFAD-sponsored programme to support agricultural value chains in the semi-arid region of Bahia, in which Plan applied 2.512 standardized questionnaires in 388 rural communities [LEARN MORE]

Development of criteria for the categorization of poverty in the Democratic Republic of Congo

UNICEF Office of Research - Innocenti

Plan Eval conducted a participatory poverty assessments with communities to identify indicators of vulnerability based on their own perceptions of poverty and well-being. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the human development program Terra Mais Igual

Vitória Municipal Government

Multi-method evaluation a programme targeted to precarious settlements in Vitória. "Terra" was among the first slum upgrade programmes worldwide to tackle urban poverty in a muldimensional fashion [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of Early Childhood Education Centers in Ceará

Government of the State of Ceará

Multi-method evaluation of the Child Education Centers (CEI) PROARES 2, an IDB-support programme to upgrade bulding and management standards of preschools in areas with poor academic achievement [LEARN MORE]

Research on the impact of community engagement and accountability approaches in public health emergencies for IFRC

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)

Research on the impact of community engagement and accountability (CEA) approaches in public health emergencies carried out by the International Federation of Red Cross Societies (IFRC) [LEARN MORE]

Economic and Impact Assessment of the Urban Centers for Culture, Art, Science and Sport (CUCA)

Fortaleza Municipal Government

Economic and Impact Assessment of a network of community centers for low-income youths, involving a representative survey of treatment and control groups and a cost-benefit analysis [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of UNICEF support to the education sector in Angola


Summative evaluation of the contribution of Angola Country Office (ACO) Education Programme to the improvement of the institutional capacity and service provision of the education sector in Angola. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the UNICEF Country Programme 2021-2025 in Uruguay

Unicef Uruguay

The evaluation examines the achievement of the outcomes planned by the country program document, including Child Protection, Social Inclusion, Social Mobilization, and Effectiveness [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of UNICEF Brazil's Country Programme 2017-2021


In partnership with Action Against Hunger, Plan Eval conducted the evaluation of UNICEF Brazil's Country Programme 2017 - 2021. The evaluation is both formative and summative in nature. [LEARN MORE]

Data collection for the impact evaluation of the PAPAFPA and PAPAC programmes

IFAD - International Fund for Agricultural Development

Multi-method research for the impact assessment of an International Fund for Agricultural Development programme to increase cocoa, pepper and coffee production in São Tomé and Príncipe [LEARN MORE]

Assessment of the current administrative data management systems on Violence against Children (VAC) in Mozambique

UNICEF Mozambique

In collaboration with DevStat, Plan Eval reviewed and assessed the administrative data sources of VAC in Mozambique and formulated recommendations to harmonize and improve VAC data procedures. [LEARN MORE]

Analysis for the Measuring Progress Report: Water Ecosystems and the SDGs


The project includes drafting the full methodological process, producing causality analysis results to demonstrate global and regional analysis in the SDG context. [LEARN MORE]

KAP, social and gender norms study of interactions between caregivers and children in Angola


For this study, our team conducted an in-depth Desk Review on early childhood, gender issues and the Angolan social context, while also conducting interviews with stakeholders. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the project ‘Digital Bridges for Educational Equity’ in Uruguay

Unicef Uruguay

The evaluation sought to generate evidence and facilitate learning about which interventions and actions within the project work or not and why, seeking to expand and strengthen Ceibal's reach. [LEARN MORE]

KAP study (Knowlege, Attitudes and Practices) for UNICEF Brazil related to eating habits with a focus on the consumption of ultra-processed products for children


For this study, the Plan Eval team carried out a phone survey with 1.343 families benefiting from the Bolsa Família Program and living in the areas where UNICEF Brazil operates. [LEARN MORE]

Final evaluation of the Microbacias II - support to family agriculture programme

São Paulo State Secretariat of Environment

Final evaluation of a World Bank-supported project promoting sustainable rural development. Results were discussed in workshops with 40 stakeholders and programme staff. [LEARN MORE]

Study on prenatal care, childbirth and drivers of birth plan decisions


A qualitative study to understand the perception of health professionals and pregnant women about prenatal care, childbirth and their respective influences on decisions about mode of delivery [LEARN MORE]

Logframe, theory of change and M&E plan for the CUCA youth empowerment programme

Fortaleza Municipal Government

In this work we carried out a review of the Theory of Change, development of the Logical Framework, Indicator Matrix and Monitoring and Evaluation framework. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the Toilet Marketing Project in Comoros

Unicef Comores

The intervention, object of this evaluation, has started in 2016 by UNICEF, aimed to address a significant lack of sanitation infrastructure in the country by encouraging access to improved toilets. [LEARN MORE]

Provision of statistical services to UNICEF to support and improve the collection and dissemination of Data on Children in Uzbekistan

UNICEF Uzbekistan

This project took place within the context of a Long Term Agreement for the provision of statistical services to UNICEF in consortium with DevStat [LEARN MORE]

Data collection for a study of the economic causes of the shift from cattle-grazing to mechanized agriculture

University of California, Berkeley Energy Biosciences Institute

Collection of quantitative data for the production of a database on the economic determinants of the conversion of pastures to crops in savannah and forest areas of Northern Brazil [LEARN MORE]

Research and data entry for the National Heritage Registry

IPHAN - National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute

Historical, Anthropological and Iconographic Research for the National Heritage Registry, including data entry and quality checks in a database of 1.610 protected entries. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation quality control for the EU support to Pakistan

IBF International Consulting SA

Support to the evaluation of International Labour and Environmental Standards Application in SMEs, Programme for Improved Nutrition in Sindh and Support to TVET in Pakistan [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the Water+ Access Programme

Coca-Cola Institute

Evaluation of the "Água+ Acesso" Program, an initiative aimed at expanding access to safe water in rural communities in Brazil. [LEARN MORE]

Roadmap on armed and urban violence in Latin America and Caribbean

UNICEF Latin America and Caribbean (LACRO)

This research aimed to provide UNICEF with a panoramic view of policies and programs across Latin America and the Caribbean, while providing insight onto tested or promising good practices. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation Plan for the Brazilian Amazon Conservation Partnership

DevTech Systems Inc

Design of an evaluation plan, including data collection, for a partnership between USAID, the Brazilian government and civil society that aimed to support conservation initiatives in the Amazon [LEARN MORE]

Development of social and environmental assessment instruments for the

Secretariat of Agrarian Development (SDA) of Ceará state

Consultancy for the development of social and environmental assessment instruments for the sustainable rural development project PDRS São José III - 2nd phase [LEARN MORE]

Anthropological study of the Lagoas do Norte Program

Teresina Municipal Government

Anthropological study of the cultural practices and heritage in the area Lagoas do Norte Program, a housing and WASH programme sponsored by the World Bank in low-income neighborhoods [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the Programme to Support the Development of the Cotton Sector in C-4 Countries

ABC - Brazilian Cooperation Agency

Final evaluation of the largest Brazilian project of technical cooperation to date. This innovative work evaluated principles of South-South cooperation: horizontality, ownership and mutual benefits. [LEARN MORE]

KAP Study (Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices) on xenophobia and discrimination against refugees and migrants from Venezuela


KAP (Knowledge, Attitudes and Practice) study on xenophobia and discrimination against refugees and migrants from Venezuela in Boa Vista and Pacaraima - Roraima - Brazil [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the United Nations Framework for Partnership for Sustainable Development for Brazil (2017-2021)

UNDP - United Nations Development Programme

Evaluation of the Results Framework of the UN in Brazil considering relevance, coherence, adequacy, effectiveness, efficiency of results in support of the country's priorities. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the project Good nutrition for a healthy life of Brazilian children


Evaluation of the project "Good nutrition for a healthy life of Brazilian children" [LEARN MORE]

End-term evaluation of the EU-UNICEF joint nutrition actions under the development initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) programme


This final, summative evaluation of EU-UNICEF initiative for Northern Uganda (DINU) programme will contrast planned and achieved results, identify challenges and draw recommendations. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of an Integrated Development Program centered around mobility and urbanization

Cascavel Municipal Government

Evaluation of an initiative that aims to improve urban areas through changes in municipal management, its mobility system, as well as its public spaces. [LEARN MORE]

Local profile of communities impacted by cement mills

Votorantim Cimentos

Sociodemographic profile, mapping of local institutions and identification of networks of potential partners in communities impacted by the operations of a cement company [LEARN MORE]

Engagement Strategy on skill development and inclusion of adolescent: green skills and green jobs


Study to identify sectors with the potential for green jobs in Brazil, the necessary skills for these roles, and to develop a strategy to promote the socio-productive inclusion of young people. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the Safer Access to Essential Public Services (AMS) Program

International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC)

Consultancy for the evaluation of the impact on the qualitative and quantitative results of the Safer Access (SA) to Essential Public Services Program. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of Project K - Financing and Capacity Building for Environmental Funds in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean

AFD - French Development Agency

Project implemented from 2016 till 2019 aimed to provide support to innovative financing and capacity building for environmental funds (EF) in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of organic cotton projects supported by the C&A Institute and Porticus

C&A Institute

Mixed-methods evaluation of the results obtained by family farmers of organic cotton. Plan administered questionnaires to treatment and control groups (785) and interviewed partner NGOs on-site. [LEARN MORE]

Mid-term evaluation of the Sustainable Rural Development Project in Bahia

Government of the State of Bahia

Mid Term Evaluation of the Sustainable Rural Development Project of Bahia, a World Bank-supported initiative to strengthen value chains anchored in family agriculture, partly based on field visits. [LEARN MORE]

Creation of a virtual library for a university department specializing in the development of semi-arid regions

FADENOR - Foundation for the Development of Higher Education in Northern Minas Gerais

Design and implementation of a database for the Center for Semi-Arid Studies at the State University of Montes Claros with publications on water resources, the environment and social technologies [LEARN MORE]

Study for the International Labor Organization on Health and Safety at Work and Road Transport in Brazil

ILO - International Labour Organization

Study on the profile and specificities of work accidents and sick leaves in the road transport sector, with a focus on self-employed truck drivers. [LEARN MORE]

Social and Urban Development Integrated Programme in Paranaguá/PR

Paranaguá Municipal Government

Final Evaluation of the Social and Urban Development Integrated Programme, aimed at improving the quality of life of the inhabitants of the municipality of Paranaguá/PR. [LEARN MORE]

Qualitative Assesment of the Gender-disaggregated Impacts of Street Lighting in Brazil

World Bank

Qualitative assesment of the impact of public lighting in Brazil, how it affects the life of women and men in terms of public safety, mobility, economic and educational activities and opportunities. [LEARN MORE]

UK Prosperity Fund Evaluation - Brazil Programme

WYG International

Leadership of the Brazil country programme evaluation of the UK Prosperity Fund [LEARN MORE]

Scorecard of social risks and opportunities in the vicinty of industrial operations

Votorantim Cimentos

Mapping of risk levels and indication of opportunity for social investment by a cement company with mining and industrial operations [LEARN MORE]

Mid-term evaluation of the Water for Brazil Programme

WWF Brazil

Formative midterm evaluation of the Água Brasil Initiative, a water resource management programme that supported innovative conservation initiatives, led by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF). [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the Collective Online Program (2022.1)

Coca-Cola Institute

Evaluation of the Online Collective Program with the class of the first half of 2022, after 6 months of course closure. [LEARN MORE]

Registration and eligibility control for social protection programmes

Mogi das Cruzes Municipal Government

Registration and eligibility checks of 4.017 families claiming social protection benefits and visits to 756 additional households using prioritization criteria from demographic data [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation framework for the social programmes supported by a development bank

Caixa Econômica Federal - GN Sustainability and Social and Environmental Responsibility / UNDP

Development of a methodology for the socio-environmental impact evaluation of projects followed by CAIXA by providing remote and in person impact evaluation training. [LEARN MORE]

Publication: Managing Social Impact


Preparation of a guide to managing the social impact of private companies for the Brazilian chapter of WBCSD - World Business Council for Sustainable Development. [LEARN MORE]

Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning System (MEL) of the South-South Cooperation Program of the Brazilian Government and UNICEF


Review and development of management, planning, implementation and monitoring instruments for the Program, including the elaboration of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning System mockup. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the Collective Online and Mover Program (oct-nov/22)

Coca-Cola Institute

The project aimed to measure the employability rate of beneficiaries and to measure the project's contribution to their professional life. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of UNICEF's Youth Aware STD-prevention programme


Fieldwork-based evaluation of an innovative UNICEF program to expand testing of sexually transmitted diseases among at-risk youth and to raise their awareness regarding risky behaviors [LEARN MORE]

Social license to operate for mining and industrial operations

CMOC International

Stakeholder mapping and risk analysis to evaluate opportunities for social investment by a multinational corporation in two phosphate mining operations and a fertilizer plant in Brazil [LEARN MORE]

Impact measurement of an early education improvement programme

Educational and Cultural Development Foundation of the Corporate Credit System - Sicredi Foundation

Impact measurement of União Faz a Vida, an early education curriculum improvement programme, using control and treatment groups from secondary data. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of Coca-Cola's Youth Collective Programme ( 2019.4 & 2020.1)

Coca-Cola Institute

In this evaluation of the professional training program for young people, we analyze the evolution of the socioeconomic indicators of young people participating in two training cycles. [LEARN MORE]

SROI Evaluation of the Healthy Eating Habits Project

SESI – Goiás

Impact and social return on investment evaluation of a programme that taught healthy food preparation techniques and eating habits to industry workers in the state of Goiás, Brazil [LEARN MORE]

Final evaluation of a football-based youth empowerement project

FC Barcelona Foundation

This inspiring project by the Barça Foundation uses sports as a tool to prevent youth violence in a community of Rio de Janeiro where battles are waged between drug-trafficking gangs [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of an urbanization project in a peripheral low-income neighborhood


Post-urbanization evaluation of the Jardim São Francisco neighborhood in São Paulo. Results achieved in this slum upgrade and resettlement project were evaluated by means of focus groups and a survey. [LEARN MORE]

Consultancy for the final report of the Birth Registration and Justice for Children Programme


Consultancy for UNICEF Angola to elaborate the final donor report of the Birth Registration (BR) and Justice for Children (J4C) Programme. [LEARN MORE]

Conceptual Framework for the Monitoring & Evaluation System of the South-South Cooperation (Brazil-UNICEF)


Development of a conceptual framework for the Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning system of the Brazil-UNICEF Trilateral South-South Cooperation programme [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of Coca-Cola's Online Youth Collective Programme (2020.2)

Coca-Cola Institute

Analysis of the evolution of indicators and employability of young participants in the Coletivo Online program before and after the course. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of UNICEF communication strategies to prevent mosquito-borne diseases


Assessment of the communication strategy for dengue, chikungunya and zika prevention measures. Audience reception of different messages was studied by means of focus group simulations [LEARN MORE]

Monitoring of projects financed by the US-Brazil WTO cotton subsidy settlement

Brazilian Cotton Institute

Development of a monitoring system for past and future projects launched with funding from the Brazilian Cotton Institute (IBA) with funds from the USA-Brazil WTO dispute settlement [LEARN MORE]

Development and implementation of a monitoring system for an ICT outreach programme

IICA - Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture

Development of monitoring system of the Program Telecentros.BR, a countrywide programme designed to facilitate access to information and communication technologies in low-connectivity areas [LEARN MORE]

Indicator dashboard, social map and assessment of the conditions of children and youth

Lençóis Paulista Municipal Government

Assessment of the living conditions of children and youth combined with an interactive web map and an indicator dashboard with social and policy statistics for a city of 70.000 inhabitants [LEARN MORE]

Socio-demographic research for an urbanization project in a precarious settlement


Household data collection with families living in precarious conditions in an urban periphery. A total of 1.133 families were surveyed, yielding social and economic information about 3.150 people [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of Coca-Cola's Youth Collective Programme 2019.3

Coca-Cola Institute

In this evaluation of the professional training program for young people, we applied 3 rounds of research with participants to monitor their trajectories and the evolution of socioeconomic indicators. [LEARN MORE]

Qualitative research with young people and employer partners of the Online Collective Program

Coca-Cola Institute

Consultancy for conducting focus groups and interviews with young people and employer partners of the Online Collective Program [LEARN MORE]

Monitoring and Evaluation of the Learning Language Project

Laboratório de Educação

Technical support to the monitoring and evaluation of the Learning Language Project, a language acquisition stimulation solution for public school students sponsored by LabEdu and Harvard University [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of Conecta Bibliotecas, a programme in support of public libraries


Impact evaluation of a project using public libraries to foster social change, by attracting new visitors and training library personnel to become agents of change [LEARN MORE]

Developmental evaluation of the Voices of Fashion 2030 project

C&A Institute

Real-time evaluation of the implementation of a project aimed at mobilizing workers, businesses and government to improve working conditions in the garment sector in Pernambuco [LEARN MORE]

SROI evaluation of the use of the DreamShaper entrepreneurship platform by educational institutions


Evaluation of the use of the Dream Shaper entrepreneurship platform in primary, secondary schools and universities using a social return on investment approach [LEARN MORE]

Final Evaluation of the Green Line Parks Network in Joinville

Joinville Municipal Government

The Green Line Program created and revitalized public spaces in Joinville over 10 years. This final evaluation was based on a user-perception survey and on extended interviews with stakeholders [LEARN MORE]

Impact evaluation of the Caring Families project

Plan International

Impact assessment of the Caring Families Project, supported by Nivea cosmetics, to stimulate children in early childhood. The evaluation was based on survey and face-to-face interviews [LEARN MORE]

M&E plan for the Young Collective programme

Coca-Cola Institute

Revision of the indicators used by the Institute for the M&E of one of its programmes. The new research instruments were tested and a manual was written for the analysis of the collected data. [LEARN MORE]

Social assessment of the conditions of children and teenagers in Jundiaí

Jundiaí Municipal Government

Diagnosis on the situation of children and adolescents in a large municipality (354.000 inhab.) including a 10-year policy plan for human rights and a plan for the re-education of underage offenders [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of public housing policy in São Paulo

Diagonal Transformação de Territórios

Impact evalution of public housing projects in the Southern Hemisphere's largest metropolis, including survey research design and data collection [LEARN MORE]

Baseline evaluation of the Happy Childhood project

Plan International

Baseline evaluation of an early childhood programme working with families, childcare givers and social sector professionals to help stimulate children's social and emotional development [LEARN MORE]

Social and economic assessment for private social investment in agribusiness

Nidera Sementes

Prospective study for an agribusiness corporation intent on boosting social investment in Western Brazil. The evaluation was based on stakeholder mapping, interviews and database research [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of Coca-Cola's Collectives Programme

Coca-Cola Institute

Midterm evaluation of a Coca-Cola social programme offering skills development for disadvantaged youth (Young Collective) and income generation in solid waste recycling (Collective Recycling) [LEARN MORE]

Mapping households and identifying families in urban slums

JHE Engineering

Mapping and identification of buildings along with family registration in the urban periphery of Santo André (Brazil) to lay the groundwork for a slum upgrade project [LEARN MORE]

Impact and results evaluation of the Healthy Youth Program in Maranhão

Plan International

Mixed-methods evaluation of the results and impact achieved by a health education program for vulnerable youth in one of the poorest regions in Latin America, including data collection [LEARN MORE]

Ten-Year policy plan for the human rights of children and youth

Tubarão Municipal Government

Technical assistance in the preparation of the Ten Year Plan for the Human Rights of Children and Youth in a medium-sized municipality (102.000 inhab.), including a situational analysis [LEARN MORE]

Baseline research and prospective evaluation of the Tourism and Child Protection project

Plan International

Baseline for a child exploitation prevention project in the tourism economy, done in partnership with stakeholders, so as to devise a model for the project (prospective evaluation) [LEARN MORE]

Prospective study for the evidence-based eradication of child labor

Nova Friburgo Municipal Government

In-depth study of cases of child labor in a city of 115.000 inhabitants based on primary data collection and archival research, followed by a report with policy recommendations and a web dashboard [LEARN MORE]

Support to Protection from Violence indicators and tools

Plan International

Protection from violence (PFV) is one of Plan International's areas of global distinctiveness. PlanEval supported the UK NGO's efforts to establish a common set of core indicators for PFV evaluation. [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the pilot project “Protecting children and teenagers impacted by armed violence in Ibura


Systematization and formative evaluation of a violence-prevention programme for children and youth [LEARN MORE]

External Evaluation of the "Clean Games Inside and Outside the Stadiums" project

Ethos Institute

Project supported by the Siemens Integrity Initiative and the World Bank bringing companies, government and society to raise compliance standards in the build-up to two major sporting events [LEARN MORE]

Impact and results evaluation of the Women's Football Program, by Plan International

Plan International

Fieldwork-based evaluation of a programme that sought to undo gender roles attached to the practice of football by involving disadvantaged girls in sports and educational activities. [LEARN MORE]

M&A system development for slum upgrade and public housing programs

São Paulo Municipal Secretariat of Housing

Development of monitoring and evaluation tools for social work and slum urbanization programs, tenement upgrades, land title registration and retrofit of housing estates [LEARN MORE]

Baseline evaluation of the Caring Families Project

Plan International

Ex-ante evaluation (including baseline survey) of a project aimed at educating families to stimulate young children appropriately, through play and non-violent communication [LEARN MORE]

M&E plan for the modernization of the National Archives

National Archives/UNESO

Elaboration of an evaluation tool for all sectors of the National Archive, based in Rio de Janeiro, by the director of Plan Evaluation, Fabrizio Rigout, in a project coordinated by UNESCO [LEARN MORE]

Social risk assessment of Cabreúva municipality

Cabreúva Municipal Government

We assessed situations of social vulnerability of this municipality and supported the definition of strategic goals for the legislature. [LEARN MORE]

Social assessment of the conditions of children and teenagers in the municipality of Araxá

Araxá Municipal Government

This diagnostic study about the situation children and youth for a medium-sized city established guidelines for the development of intersectoral policies targeted to this public in the next 10 years [LEARN MORE]

Support to the environmental monitoring of the Rio Negro area in the Amazon Basin

ISA - Instituto Socioambiental

Data collection supervision for the Programme for Climate and Environment Monitoring in the Amazon region, whereby indigenous peoples report on environmental changes via ODK-enabled tablets [LEARN MORE]

Investigation of public officials' attitudes towards freedom of information

Office of the Comptroller General

Behavioral research with civil servants to understand their opinions regarding public access to government-held records as part of a readiness assessment for freedom of information legislation [LEARN MORE]

Satisfaction Survey to Improve Coca-Cola Institute's Employability Hub

Coca-Cola Institute

Research to understand the difficulties faced by young people participating in qualification programs, partner organizations that offer courses for youth and HR leaders [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the Classroom Management Toolkit

Lemann Foundation

Perception-based evaluation of the Classroom Management Tool, a mixed online/in-class course for school managers based on classroom observation techniques and teacher feedback strategies [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of senior care project

Associação Beneficente Cultural B’nai B’rith São Paulo

For the B'nai B'rith São Paulo Cultural Beneficent Association, we carried out a prospective evaluation of a project that provided free escort services to the elderly in their outdoor activities. [LEARN MORE]

Final evaluation of the EU-supported Bo Bin Sibi civil society strengthening project


Evaluation of a project to strengthen civil society for the social control of public policies and the empowerment of vulnerable populations in Guinea Bissau, supported by the European Commission [LEARN MORE]

Final evaluation of the Decentralised Program for Food Security

Marquês de Valle Flôr Institute

This programme supported quality food production and distribution in the African island-nation of São Tomé. It was evaluated in partnership with NGOs and financed by the Portuguese Cooperation Agency [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the Gatópolis literacy support software

Lemann Foundation

Evaluation of the classroom use of a tablet-based educational software developed by the Lemman Foundation to aid teachers in the literacy acquisition process of public school children aged 5 to 7 [LEARN MORE]

Development of M&E indicators for assessing performance of social work in slum upgrades

Diagonal Transformação de Territórios

Tools for evaluating the performance of social work performed by a government contractor in the public housing sector [LEARN MORE]

Social assessment in the urban and rural areas of the Poços de Caldas municipality

Poços de Caldas Municipal Government

Design of software for a social map of a medium-sized city (151.000 inhab.) with indicators of education, housing, health services and public safety to aid targeted policy planning [LEARN MORE]

Market research on usage patterns of courier services by foreign trade businesses

Correios - National Postal Services (Brazil)

Survey with businesses about their patterns of usage of parcel delivery services, based on telephone interviews with 546 companies with foreign trade operations [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of the Healthy Youth Project

Plan International

Baseline study of the Healthy Teen Project in the city of São Paulo, an initiative to promote preventive health among low-income adolescents in urban peripheries sponsored by AstraZeneca [LEARN MORE]

Research on the attitudes and expectations of veterinary practitioners


Survey of veterinary practiotioners in Southern Brazil deseigned to improve services offered by the local union and to support their advocacy work [LEARN MORE]

Identifying a potential market for low-emission wood-burning stoves

Soter AG

Feasibility study in rural area for implementation of a new technology for reducing gas emissions from wood-burning stoves. Plan Evaluation identified communities with greatest adoption potential [LEARN MORE]

Telephone survey of a graduating class of youth who received professional training

Coca-Cola Institute

Telephone survey on the employment and income status of 1,114 young people from the 2019.1 Collective Program [LEARN MORE]

Perception-based evaluation of the Learning Management Platform

Lemann Foundation

Evaluation of the use of the Learning Management tool, a course developed by the Lemann Foundation to assist principals and coordinators in improving learning conditions in public schools [LEARN MORE]

Conditional Cash Transfer census in Cerejeiras-RO

Cerejeiras Municipal Government

Monitoring of the "Bolsa Família" Conditional Cash Transfer Programme in Cerejeiras to verify eligiblity requirements. Families were surveyed by means of household visits. [LEARN MORE]

Facilitation of local development workshops

Votorantim Cimentos

Application of the company's local development guidelines through stakeholder workshops. The experiment was then used to improve evaluation methods. [LEARN MORE]

Advice on monitoring and evaluation for the PROSAMIM III project

Government of the State of Amazonas

Consultancy for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Resettlement and Community Participation Plan of the Social and Environmental Program for the Igarapés of Manaus - Prosamim III [LEARN MORE]

Systematisation of the performance of the Criminal Justice System

Rede Justiça Criminal

Systematization of the experience of the Criminal Justice Network. The Network is an umbrella organization for NGOs advocating for humans rights and better criminal justice [LEARN MORE]

Final evaluation of the MEND and RISE conditional cash transfer programmes

UNICEF Office for the Eastern Caribbean Area

Multi-method evaluation of two pilot cash transfer programmes targeting indigent and poor households in St. Kitts and Nevis. Plan received UNICEF's highest rating for quality for this evaluation. [LEARN MORE]

Final evaluation of the União Sertaneja rural development project

Humana Brasil

Plan evaluated this project financed by the European Union in terms of relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability, in accordance with the OECD DAC evaluation criteria. [LEARN MORE]

Situational analysis of the living conditions of children and teenagers in Rio Negrinho

Rio Negrinho Municipal Government

Prospective study recommending policy priorities for children and youth in 5 areas: health, education, culture, sports and leisure; family and community ties; freedom; and professional training [LEARN MORE]

Final evaluation of the Não desvie o Olhar ("Don't turn a blind eye") project


On the border between France and Brasil, Plan evaluated an EU-supported project to prevent youth prostitution and human trafficking. The research was based on interviews and a survey. [LEARN MORE]

Mapping of critical social themes in the oil & gas sector

Ipiranga Produtos de Petróleo S.A.

Identification of critical social issues in the area of fuel storage and distribution, including the identification of good practices and recommendation of impact assessment tools [LEARN MORE]

Support to social and environmental monitoring in the Amazon Rio Negro region

ISA - Instituto Socioambiental

ISA trusted Plan for data processing and quality checks in a survey carried out by indigenous people from the Amazon Rio Negro region, who interviewed 3.544 families spread over 11.5 million hectares [LEARN MORE]

Household research to audit a conditional cash transfer programme

Palmeira das Missões Municipal Government

Monitoring of the Bolsa Família cash transfer programme to verify eligbility requirements in a municipality in southern Brazil [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of Sou da Paz's international arms control advocacy

Sou da Paz Institute

Evaluation of the work of an advocacy NGO acting as an umbrella organization for civil society within the UN during the negotiations that led to the approval of the Arms Trade Treaty, [LEARN MORE]

Situational analysis for investment in community relations

Voith Hydro

Survey of the sociodemographic profile of the district of Jaraguá, São Paulo, for a heavy industry corporation, to provide evidence in support of their social investment [LEARN MORE]

Evaluation of fundraising tools for an NGO providing shelter services to children

SOS Children's Villages

Development of performance indicators and evaluation procedures for gauging the efficacy of SOS Children's Villages' fundraising efforts [LEARN MORE]

Logical Framework for the Solutions for Cities Programme

Associação Brasileira de Cimento Portland

Solutions for Cities was a programmes that aimed to support local governments in putting together policy plans for housing, WASH and mobility in an integrated fashion [LEARN MORE]

Final evaluation of a campaign against forced evictions

WITNESS Video for Change

Final evaluation of a campaign to document cases of forced evictions in areas that were to receive infra-structure for sports events such as the World Cup and the Olympics [LEARN MORE]