
Evaluation of UNICEF's 'Good Nutrition for a Healthy Life' project

Final Evaluation Report of UNICEF Brazil’s Good Nutrition for a Healthy Life project, which focused on promoting healthy school environments, building the capacity of health, education and social protection professionals, and disseminating information about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding for children up to 6 months old and continued until 2 years old, as well as healthy nutrition for children and adolescents.

Evaluation of the project aimed at improving the feeding practices of newborns and children in Madagascar

The evaluation consists of a contribution analysis for the first phase of the project and a prospective assessment for the second phase, identifying lessons learned, conclusions and recommendations to improve the implementation of the project.

Eating habits during early childhood among cash-transfer beneficiaries

The study 'Food in Early Childhood: knowledge, attitudes and practices of Bolsa Família beneficiaries', carried out by UNICEF, analysed the eating habits of families with children under 6 years of age supported by Bolsa Família, now replaced by Auxílio Brasil.