
UNICEF Sierra Leone Country Programme Evaluation

Final Report for the Country Programme Outcome Evaluation of UNICEF Sierra Leone. The Country Programme Evaluation serves UNICEF's accountability and learning purposes by looking into the CP's performance in achieving its intended results for children. The evaluation informed UNICEF's programme implementation strategies to reach the planned CP results, and also shed light on potential corrective actions in the design and envisaged delivery modalities of the new country programme.

Evaluation of UNICEF's 'Good Nutrition for a Healthy Life' project

Final Evaluation Report of UNICEF Brazil’s Good Nutrition for a Healthy Life project, which focused on promoting healthy school environments, building the capacity of health, education and social protection professionals, and disseminating information about the importance of exclusive breastfeeding for children up to 6 months old and continued until 2 years old, as well as healthy nutrition for children and adolescents.

Summative Evaluation of GPE Support to Zimbabwe

 The 2017 – 2020 Global Partnership for Education (GPE) support to Zimbabwe sought to enhance equitable access to quality education to all children in the country. The programme supported five components: (i) providing strong policy, legal and regulatory framework; (ii) implementing the new curriculum; (iii) equity and access in education; (iv) institutional strengthening and (v) programme support, management and monitoring.   

Evaluation of the Digital Bridges for Educational Equity Programme

The Digital Bridges programme, funded by the UNICEF Innovation Office, aims to expand digital education in Uruguay in an equitable manner, increasing the recruitment and use of platforms and other digital resources to promote inclusive and quality education for all. Report in Spanish.

Evaluation Brief: Final evaluation of the EU Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration programme - Spanish version

This evaluation brief presents the final evaluation of the EU Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration programme, which ran from 2020 to 2023. The programme, known as Children on the Move (CotM), operated in four countries across two regions with the partnership of UNICEF and UNHCR. The evaluation team developed a theory of change to analyse the programme's outcomes, assessing its relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. Data collection involved various methods such as document review, interviews, discussions, and surveys, conducted between May and October 2023.

Evaluation Brief: Final evaluation of the EU Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration programme

This evaluation brief presents the final evaluation of the EU Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration programme, which ran from 2020 to 2023. The programme, known as Children on the Move (CotM), operated in four countries across two regions with the partnership of UNICEF and UNHCR. The evaluation team developed a theory of change to analyse the programme's outcomes, assessing its relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. Data collection involved various methods such as document review, interviews, discussions, and surveys, conducted between May and October 2023.

Final evaluation of the EU Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration programme - Spanish Version

This report presents the final evaluation of the EU Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration programme, which ran from 2020 to 2023. The programme, known as Children on the Move (CotM), operated in four countries across two regions with the partnership of UNICEF and UNHCR. The evaluation team developed a theory of change to analyse the programme's outcomes, assessing its relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. Data collection involved various methods such as document review, interviews, discussions, and surveys, conducted between May and October 2023.

Zambia Country Brief - Final evaluation of the EU Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration programme

This country brief discusses the key findings of the evaluation of the EU’s Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration (also known as Children on the Move or CotM). This document summarises the main messages from the evaluation and draws lessons and conclusions from these experiences for similar interventions in other regions.

South Africa Country Brief - Final evaluation of the EU Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration programme

This country brief discusses the key findings of the evaluation of the EU’s Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration (also known as Children on the Move or CotM). This document summarises the main messages from the evaluation and draws lessons and conclusions from these experiences for similar interventions in other regions.

Mexico Country Brief - Final evaluation of the EU Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration programme

This country brief discusses the key findings of the evaluation of the EU’s Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration (also known as Children on the Move or CotM). This document summarises the main messages from the evaluation and draws lessons and conclusions from these experiences for similar interventions in other regions.

El Salvador Country Brief - Final evaluation of the EU Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration programme

This country brief discusses the key findings of the evaluation of the EU’s Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration (also known as Children on the Move or CotM). This document summarises the main messages from the evaluation and draws lessons and conclusions from these experiences for similar interventions in other regions.

Final evaluation of the EU Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration programme

This report presents the final evaluation of the EU Global Promotion of Best Practices for Children in Migration programme, which ran from 2020 to 2023. The programme, known as Children on the Move (CotM), operated in four countries across two regions with the partnership of UNICEF and UNHCR. The evaluation team developed a theory of change to analyse the programme's outcomes, assessing its relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability. Data collection involved various methods such as document review, interviews, discussions, and surveys, conducted between May and October 2023.

Evaluation of the Program for the Protection of Children and Adolescents Threatened with Death –

This evaluation aimed to contribute to the enhancement of the Programme on both national and state levels. To this end, robust monitoring and evaluation methodologies were developed to assess the effectiveness of the Programme's management processes and the quality of the products it delivers

Summative Evaluation of UNICEF 2015-2019 Education Programme in Angola

This evaluation examines, on one side, the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency and sustainability of UNICEF Angola interventions in the context of the development of the education sector and, on the other, the coherence, coverage and coordination of interventions in the emergency context.

Evaluation of the project aimed at improving the feeding practices of newborns and children in Madagascar

The evaluation consists of a contribution analysis for the first phase of the project and a prospective assessment for the second phase, identifying lessons learned, conclusions and recommendations to improve the implementation of the project.

Evaluation of Tunisia's child-centered conditional cash transfer programme

This evaluation documents the importance of implementing more integrated, multi-sectoral child-sensitive social protection strategies to ensure a fair chance for all Tunisian children, and the crucial role of social protection in protecting human capital in the country.

Evaluation of the Happy Childhood Programme - Qualitative approach

The Happy Child Program (PCF) is a nationwide programme that supports stimulation during very early childhood. This formative assessment based on interviews with stakeholders contributes evidence for a management response for its upcoming stages.

Evaluation of the Youth Aware Program

Youth Aware is an innovative STD prevention programme sponsored by UNICEF that focuses on bringing testing facilities closer to youth and improving prevention through peer-to-peer education. This final evaluaion features lessons learned and recommendations for programme scale-up. Originally published in UNICEF's evaluation database.

Avaliação dos Centros de Educação Infantil PROARES 2

Mixed-methods evaluation of IDB-supported day-care centers in Northeastern Brazil using ECERS scales, drawings and a quasi-experimental impact measurement model.

Plano Municipal dos Direitos de Crianças e Adolescentes de Rio Negrinho (SC)

Policy document on Children and Youth organized by a municipality in Southern Brazil based on a prospective evaluation written by Plan Eval

Diagnóstico da Infância e da Adolescência de Jundiaí (SP)

This diagnostic research informs children & youth policy in a city of 350,000 inhabitants

Diagnóstico da Situação da Criança e do Adolescente em Lençóis Paulista

A situational analysis of children and youth in a municipality in Southeastern Brazil.

Diagnostico do trabalho infantil em Nova Friburgo

This study of child labor in Nova Friburgo (RJ) involved semi-structured interviews with key local actors and secondary data analysis.

Simplificando a medição de conceitos complexos no desenvolvimento infantil

This article explains how a complex concept such as "comprehensive childhood development" was simplified to make it measurable.